Spirituality Books Lot of 2 Prabhuji Osho Enlightenment Awakening Truth Freedom
- Sold By: Meditative Books
- Product Sku:
- Categories Osho Books, Prabhuji's Books, Spiritual Books
- Type: Unknown Type
Spirituality Books Lot of 2 + Gift
1 book by Prabhuji: Brand New, paperback
- Experimenting with the Truth
1 book by Osho Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
- Three Steps to Awakening, Paperback
The condition of each book is different, please read below the specific descriptions carefully. Let us know if you have any questions.
1 book by Prabhuji:
- Experimenting with the Truth
Experimenting with the Truth sheds light on the remarkably rich path Prabhuji has walked throughout his life. In this compilation, he responds to spiritual seekers’ questions. He shares his wisdom and erudition with those who wish to delve deeper into topics such as enlightenment, meditation, devotion, and concentration.
Book Condition: Brand New, paperback
1 book by Osho, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
- Three Steps to Awakening, Paperback
Waking up or awakening means that the dream is over - the dream of unconsciousness we all spend most of our lives in - often a life of tensions, anguish, feeling unfulfilled and running after illusions which are just substitutes of what we are really looking for. This little book is actually a big book, containing Osho's entire teaching from an early period of his public life and teachings. He takes us through three steps on the path to awakening, steps to help us to get out of our conditioning, our limitations and frustrations. "There are only three steps: freedom of consciousness, simplicity of mind, and emptiness of mind."
For freedom of thought, for liberation of thought, and for the awakening of intelligence, the first thing, the first awareness that is needed is: “No thought is mine. No thought is mine.” While we read this book, Osho takes us through this experience of letting go of identification, allows us to get a glimpse what a life of awakening can be.
Book Condition: Very good: The book is pre-owned but is in very good condition, almost like new. Minimal wear and tear. Note the marks on the back cover corner. As seen in the pictures.