Inteligencia La respuesta creativa al ahora by Osho Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

Inteligencia La respuesta creativa al ahora by Osho Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

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La respuesta creativa al ahora
by Osho Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

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Inteligencia e intelectualidad no son sinónimos. La inteligencia es intrínseca a todos los seres vivos sin excepción; es una cualidad natural de la vida. Los árboles son inteligentes a su manera, los pájaros lo son también... pues poseen la inteligencia adecuada para enfrentarse a las exigencias de su naturaleza. ¿O acaso has visto alguna vez un animal al que puedas llamar estúpido? No, eso solo le pasa al hombre. La intelectualidad, en cambio, es adquirida. Pero si eres inteligente, tú mismo podrás resolver todos tus problemas. Aunque para ello deberás enfrentarte y vencer al gran enemigo de la inteligencia, un enemigo que la paraliza y destruye: el miedo. En este libro, Osho nos ofrece su visión de lo que significa ser inteligente y de cuáles son los caminos que hay que seguir para llevar una vida inteligente sin miedo.

About Osho, the author:

Osho is a contemporary mystic whose life and teachings have influenced millions of people of all ages, and from all walks of life. His often provocative and challenging teachings generate today more and more interest and his readership is dramatically expanding around the world in more than fifty languages. People can easily recognize the wisdom of his insights, and their relevance to our lives and to the issues we are facing today. The Sunday Times in London named Osho as one of the "1,000 Makers of the 20th Century". He is known around the world for his revolutionary contribution to meditation - the science of inner transformation - with the unique approach of his "OSHO Active Meditations" acknowledging the accelerated pace of contemporary life and bringing meditation into modern life.

Year of publication: 2008
Publisher: DeBolsillo (Random House Mondador)
ISBN 9788483466612 
Number of pages: 208

Book Condition: Very good: The book is pre-owned but is in a very good condition. Minimal wear and tear. As seen in pictures.

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