Stay Young Through Yoga by Anthony H. Duval
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- Categories Yoga and Meditation Books
- Type: Books:Nonfiction
Using common sense and down-to-earth sensibilities, this book takes a close look at yoga as a healthy and natural form of preventative medicine. Claiming that both internal and external rejuvenation of the body can occur when yoga stances are used in conjunction with Raja yoga, the yoga of mind control, this guide explores how intensive concentration and with physical techniques are capable of changing the physical body—including youthfulness. From adjusting posture and walking style to learning stances such as dog, cat, and camel asanas, this unique guide offers invaluable lessons to help reverse the degenerating process of aging.
ISBN - 965494220-8
Author - Anthony H. Duval
Number Of Pages - 129 pages
Format - Paperback
Language - English
Publisher - Astrolog Publishing House
Publication Year - 2007